ha ha...did i catch your attention..today is a fun Artist Distractive Disorder day....i have gone from cleaning up the kitchen, throwing in laundry, putting my tree in the studio away, printing pictures for my RR book*(that I am horribly behind on..)working on that here and there as I pass by)now that i got my paper revisions done, working on some new collage sheets, picked up the Christmas wrapping mess in my work room, looking at the pile of laundry a hundred times...and pretending like i really didn't see it...to finally starting on something i have been dreaming about for a while. I had made a comment to one of my friends the other day when i had my meltdown that i needed to work on something I am passionate about...well today i started...I am not going to tell you right out what it is..but I will give hints along the way..One of my promised this year was to get this certain thing started.....here is a hint..it is inspired by this fabulous photographer if you search through..you can find the photo that has inspired me so here ya go: finally found my safety glasses.....this is what i really should be doing...nah! i can do that tonight after I am too tired to be creative...
and this is what I am working on...got the intial cut down done..off to my band saw....If some one can guess what i am making, i will send you a little suprise of some sort....leave your guesses in the comments...go check out Fack to Bront's photos for the hint
today's gratitude btw: I am grateful for my crazy ideas...they reeeeaaaally make me happy~ and again i am so grateful for my friends...Kari started an exciting group....yay!~go check her buzz out...love that girl!~
later all xoxox
I have no idea what your project it, but I hope you enjoy it. Missed you yesterday.
you are making a cut out of a six fingered hand?
..... i don't really think that ... but none of his photos struck me as YOUR grand inspiration ..... so..... he has a photo of a six fingered hand ... you could make one and hang it outside and become a palm reader .... ok?
Wow! I have no idear! But I do see reoccurring themes of trees boats and bridges! No! Wait! you're making your own scone waggon! LOL! OR you are making a Skinderella to put up in your workout room as inspiration! LOL! (She'd about fit in that long skinny tube of a package you tease us with!
Here is my crazy guess: you are making a mushroom or toadstool stool to use as a prop/stool/background for photographing large, beautiful women?
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