What boy can resist climbing....even the mildest little boy enjoys the thrill of climbing something...
Now let's see what the big boys were up to on Friday....
How many men does it take to take down theater projectors...hhhhmmmm? Here they are taking them apart..Don , Cliff , Arli and the builder Dave in the background..but wait..there was also Artie and Ken looking on(not in picture) they weigh cloes to 150 lbs each...they are no more...the end of an era...the new projector will be up by this coming weekend...
here is Cliffie demonstrating the overwhelming emotions he was feeling that he was going to be able to take them home with him....he is selling one of them i think... he looks like an over grown kewpie doll or something i think..rofl
Oh NO!!! the moster cable is going to get Ken...back! back...get off Ken..i wont have a margaritta drinking buddy any more, if you eat him....
so there is a tiny taste of my crazy world....i would post more but i seriously don'twant to bore you to tears....i am off to go find some orange juice or some form of vitamin C and head for bed..keeping my fingers crossed that i can breath enough to sleep some tonight!~
Angela, my favorite photo, of course, is the one of Oscar; the the boys look great (even the big boys) - where's the photo of the football player? Hope you're feeling better.
Looks like too much fun and love the pics of the boys of course but the little Oscar face well enough said there!! too cute!! sure hope you are feeling better and able to breathe!! allergies or yucky summer cold??!! anyway sorry haven't stopped by my summer seemed to run away with itself and no alas it is over and back to work!! so keep creating and stay well!!! Hugs Linda
Sorry you are feeling bad. When I was younger and wanted to get over a cold faster I always sat in the bathtub with the water as hot and as long as I could stand it. In addition, I had a cup of hot tea with lots of brandy in it. After that I would go to bed and covered up real good to keep sweating as long as possible. Careful, this requires a strong constitution.
Love all the pix, finally got to read more about your life. Yes, believe it or not, I actually read everything, also listened to some ;) of the audio.
I don't like the way pugs (sp?) looks but yours looks real cute and sweet. Hope I can make friends with him when we come visit in Nov.
Your mom looks great, hope the new relationship lasts.
Can't wait to see you all, also admire Art's new theatre.
Wow, it's 11 a.m. and Carol is still in bed. She normally gets up at 7 or so. She's had a bad night, for some reason her allergies were acting up last night. She couldn't stops sneezing and coughing and felt like she had a bad cold. No idea what set it off. The guy behind our house has a huge field of alfalfa this year, or may be the dander from the horses at the equestrian center across from us was blowing in.
OK, 'nough
Love Dad
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