Hello! My name is Oscar and I am the MC for this most exciting event of 2007! The annual Sonneborn Home Theater meet!
Allow me to introduce you to our lovely usherettes and bartender for this most exciting event~ On the left we have miss Stephanie with her darling sister miss Salina in the middle and on the far right our newly acquisitioned bartender ms. Jamie. An amazing find! As our hosts Art and Angela were shopping for a new desk at Art Van, lo and behold they discovered that they also had staff with hidden talents like bartending...feeling like they got two finds of the year...not only the gorgeous new red couch in their foyer, but also the most wonderful bartender ever, they left that day with a huge smile on their face!....lol
here is a close up of this gorgeous and totally sweet trio~
Our evening event had a tally of 67 guests(not including host and hostess and usherettes and a couple of friends) Here you see them enjoying the bounty of food spread before them
And here is Jamie all ready to take your order...We heard rumors that she was the best bartender ever and served up some pretty mean drinks!

And here is Jamie all ready to take your order...We heard rumors that she was the best bartender ever and served up some pretty mean drinks!

Here is our most handsome and wonderful host, Art, enjoying a bit of conversation with our guests!
Don Kellogg and his wonderful wife Melissa!! I was enjoying all of the attention...amazing what the right clothes can do for a guy...they all fell over, gone ga-ga with me in, my spiffy outfit for the evening!
Of course i had to make my rounds to make all of our guests feel welcome...here Kris is scratching my ears and head...and she even let me bite her fingers.....
then of course i had to get my photo op with the gorgeous usherettes....hey dudes am I cool or what?...i bet you wish you were me...he he he~

here are a few more of our guests of the evening..we have a gazillion more pics but will only bore you with a few of the shots..here are a couple of newcomers to the party(first timers to our home) John, Garen,Jen and Mariellen
All and all it was a wonderful evening...the rumble was that there were gasps as the theater screen was brought to its full size of 14 feet wide...many great compliments of how it looked and sounded! Yay!! success!...there was lots of great conversations, food eaten, drinks drank, and even later a bit of hot tubbing and tons of giggles! I say it was a great party!!

Don Kellogg and his wonderful wife Melissa!! I was enjoying all of the attention...amazing what the right clothes can do for a guy...they all fell over, gone ga-ga with me in, my spiffy outfit for the evening!

then of course i had to get my photo op with the gorgeous usherettes....hey dudes am I cool or what?...i bet you wish you were me...he he he~

and we can't forget the wonderful momma! Here she is giggling with the girls...and wow she worked hard on those stunning red costumes for the girls~

here are a few more of our guests of the evening..we have a gazillion more pics but will only bore you with a few of the shots..here are a couple of newcomers to the party(first timers to our home) John, Garen,Jen and Mariellen

All and all it was a wonderful evening...the rumble was that there were gasps as the theater screen was brought to its full size of 14 feet wide...many great compliments of how it looked and sounded! Yay!! success!...there was lots of great conversations, food eaten, drinks drank, and even later a bit of hot tubbing and tons of giggles! I say it was a great party!!
Here are the men that made it happen, enjoying a most fun photo op with all of the girls...
from left to right: Mark Seaton our speaker genius,Stephanie, Ken Whitcomb;calibrator extraordinaire,Jamie, Chris Collins another calibrator extraordinaire, filling in while Ken was away, Salina, Nicole our parking coordinator and our host Art!

Next year, it has been decided, it is going to be a full blown Halloween party!!...wanna come?....I know mamma is going to make me a really cool costume..this year I think she is making me an "Oscar the Grouch" costume!!
but in the meantime...mamma is going to rest and read emails and hang out on the internet for a month...lol!..until she starts preparations for the family reunuion for Thanksgiving!
but in the meantime...mamma is going to rest and read emails and hang out on the internet for a month...lol!..until she starts preparations for the family reunuion for Thanksgiving!
Angela, this certainly looks like it might be the social event of the year for southwestern Michigan. The costumes are fabulous. Oscar looked wonderful in his tux.
Angela, the theater party pics are wonderful! Your little Salina has turned into ... well, a supermodel? Wow! Your girls are beautiful! And so is your artwork ... just saw your latest in the halloween Somerset -- Congrats!!! You deserve some serious spa treatment for all your hard work!
looks like such a blast! gotta love a pug in a tux!!! :)
Too fun Angela!! I looked forward to seeing the new outfits on the girls they look beautiful as usual! And I can't forget the dappy dude himself the MC too cute!!
wow! looks like a really fun time!
What a great time that was. You and Art throw one heck of a party. Everything was fabulous. Thank you for having me in your beautiful home. Your family is so warm and welcoming!! The food was great, as was the conversation, the outfits were amazing (you are so talented!) Your dog..I want him!! Your children are gorgeous. Thank you Angela, Art, and family for the amazing hospitality. I can't wait for next year!!
Your blog wouldn't cooperate with me yesterday -- let's see if I have better luck today LOL
What surprise to see the doggie in tux -- hee hee
And your daughters look just gorgeous in those costumes!
Oh Wow Angela! You have been busy!!
looks like everybody had fun. i bet the georgeous ushers drew alot of attention,too.
looks like everybody had fun. i bet the georgeous ushers drew alot of attention,too.
Great pics. Your little pup is so cute! :)
Great photos, Angela. Your girls are adorable. LOVE that sweet puppy face too!
Well written article.
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