Okay it has been pretty busy here the past month! With a trip to Pittsburgh to visit Art's family for thanksgiving and then the office party here this past Friday and all of the prep involved..i have fallen, yet again, behind in my postings!
Let's back track a month or so. We had a fun Halloween..here are the boys in their costumes. The day was filled with the school party and evening trick or treating. As the tradition continues, Art took them out around the neighborhood while i passed out candy. It is sad, we get fewer and fewer trick or treaters each year.

Then the first week of November, Salina came to visit for a couple of days..that was nice. We had been missing her. Here she is with the boys the morning she went back to Portland.
Mom and daughter..i love this little girl...okay yeah she is growing up...and doesn't look one bit like her mom..ha ha
the we went to Pittsburgh..actually south of Pitts to visit Art's family! We stayed with Rick(Art's brother) and Marcia our SIL and also Mikayla our niece. They live out in the middle of nowhere in the hills, on a gorgeous farm! The morning sun shone in the kitchen window in the morning..it was so cozy and inviting!

Dinner was at Judy and Ron's house..here is a picture of Judy showing a rarely seen side of herself..ha ha ha..what a silly girl. I love Judy(Art's sister)

Ty and Jon with Mikayla and Oscar
Here is the whole family that was gathered! what a wonderful day. I think the only one missing is Aaron's wife leigh..she was snapping the pictures. Liegh is such a sweetie! This was the first time we got to meet her and their baby Abram. Aaron is Bob and Linda's son. Bob is Art's brother
We have done a bit of holiday decorating around here...the Blythe girls have been busy too! Paprika is putting on the finishing touches on the tree in the house!
No holiday season is complete without at least one Christmas program at the school. Here are the first and second grade students performing their program. It was called how the penguins saved Christmas. They were all dressed as penguins..it was a fantastic program and cute as ever!
Here is my little penguin, Jonathon!
The decorating continued, The Christmas tree is 12 feet tall. We broke down and went artificial this year for the first time ever. We were in a time crunch getting ready for Art's staff's office party hosted here at the house so it was easier for me to just go get a tree. I was fortunate to find a 12 footer~...man this baby is huge too!
A close upof someof the decoration...My mom made the most amazing metallic paper snowflakes...most are red and i just love them. What a lovely addition to my tree. I was smiling when i put them on...they were the very last touch that I added! Thank you mom!!
Here are some of my dolls wishing everyone a Happy Holiday season! oh and they are singing a few carols too..ha ha

And another wish of love and happiness from me! I got all dressed up for the party..a good opportunity for a picture i think..this is with the standard "Salina"smile...ha ha..now i know where she got it from..LOL!

And last but not least pictures of the office party!Art and his staff!
Mingling and drinking! Fun was had by all! dinner was delicious too, catered by my favorite restaurant BiCi Bistro here downtown Battle Creek!
The hit of the party..yummy chocolate fountain! Lots of goodies to dip in it too..fruits and cookies and pretzels and lots of stuff!

Nicole! She has helped with our theater parties..isn't she just a doll?She says she feels like family..and yeah i have to admit, i feel like she is another daughter!

Dinner was at Judy and Ron's house..here is a picture of Judy showing a rarely seen side of herself..ha ha ha..what a silly girl. I love Judy(Art's sister)

Ty and Jon with Mikayla and Oscar

And another wish of love and happiness from me! I got all dressed up for the party..a good opportunity for a picture i think..this is with the standard "Salina"smile...ha ha..now i know where she got it from..LOL!

And last but not least pictures of the office party!Art and his staff!

Nicole! She has helped with our theater parties..isn't she just a doll?She says she feels like family..and yeah i have to admit, i feel like she is another daughter!
I enjoyed seeing all your family photo's. You look beautiful!
Happy Holidays.
Wow, that's a lot to post about. The family photos look great and Salin a really is the image of you. Your party sounds wonderful and worth all your hard work.
I love all the pictures! Especially the one of Rick/Marcia's kitchen - reminded me of the coziness it gives, Love that! and your tree - Beautiful!! I wish we could have a 12footer! course what am i saying, i don't even put up the 7footer we do have lol. nevertheless, it looks great! glad the party went well:) Can't wait to see you guys again sometime soon. Merry Christmas!!
I enjoyed reading all about your busy family's life and seeing all the fun photos! How on earth did you decorate that huge tree?!
Great photo of you all dressed up!
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