Saturday, September 15, 2012

ha..did it again...

It took me forever to get back on here...but here is a quick..well not so quick catch up post...I left off getting ready for the wedding!...well it was a lot of work but was an amazing day with a beautiful bride and groom!   The best part it brought so many friends and family members together for a memorable event!

Here is the groom Ashton with his sisters Salina and Stephanie~!

here is Ashton and his new bride Shannon and their son Micah...the light of my world!

another wonderful thing that happened that day...Stephanie brought her new honey Adam along for the wedding! He was an amazing help..i am forever grateful for all of his help...and the help of Stephanie and Salina in pulling this off. I ended up throwing up for several hours the morning of the wedding....well until 2 hours before. At first i thought it may have been alcohol poisoning from the night before..but due to the delay and then lingering for 4 days after i am wondering if I had the flu bug...any how due to my brother's quick thinking and nurturing and a ton of anti nausea medicine i was able to make it through....The wedding was gorgeous and a lovely day...those are the memories we want to have :)

so now along with a new man..Stephanie is also expecting her first baby in March...yay...we think the romance the weekend of the wedding did the trick...hehe!  Welcome Adam to our family!

all of my kids!! LOVE YOU GUYS!

Dinner out with my boys...what a riot to be surrounded by all guys...never a dull moment here!  Art and his sweet

a rare serious moment for

My handsome son Tyrus..he is growing up so much! *Sigh*

and along with fall comes football! as of today the team is 3 and 1.  Last night's game was amazing...they won 56-0....

The tigers team is a young team with primarily freshman and sophmores and a smatterng of seniors(3) and juniors.  So they are doing an amazing job! I am so proud of them all!

we have a new addition here at the house! Luther the tiny pug...he replaces our missing Oscar...not the same..but darling and fun in his own way! :)

I had the pleasure of spending nearly 4 weeks with Dad and Carol after the was so wonderful to have them here! I am keeping my fingers crossed they can do that again..i miss them both!  Micah was a bit tentative with his Opa Norbert..but he warmed up to him after a bit! :)

and adventure for me this August..a trip to Dallas for a Blythe doll convention...what a fantastic time...met so many wonderful online friends and did some shopping and had a great Jordana and I show off our!

my super darling friend Darcy!! i just adore her to bits!!

and my super duper special friend Jair..i love him like family!  We were so lucky that we got to spend so much time together..many moments that i will treasure forever!!

a fun surprise....i was a winner in the raffle...the tiny skeleton girl came home with me.  Little Whispa was very popular and wanted by many...i am a lucky girl to call her mine!  so sweet and very detailed. The hand painting is amazing on her 2" body!

and of course i am forever busy with projects.  I finally got around to finishing the Cinderella carriage that is tarted a couple of years is the finished carriage...i since have also finished decorating the some point i plan on doing Cinderella more pictures to come..

Sprocket was the first one to get a ride in the carriage...i hate to break it to her that she is not going to actually be Cinderella in the story..poor thing..hope she isn't too

and then another project...Cleaning for me is a dangerous! It often ends up in large projects.  A week before school started i was getting the boys rooms ready for school and decided that the saying of " you can't polish a turd" was so true to this room that i took the entire room apart down to taking the carpet out.  I installed a brand new laminate floor, trimmed it out and then bought new beds for the boys...i love the results!!

oh and Tyrus got a new bed too...his room is relatively it just needed a good cleaning and carpet cleaning

Jon pretending to be asleep in his new

more room was achieved by adding loft beds..they can watch tv and play their xbox with plenty of room to spare...

twin Mellomellomew Middie Blythes join the family...bunnies and kitties....a favorite around here!

and my latest project...another cleaning project gone office...i am creating this post instead of moving stuff back in..but when i am done here..back to work...i can come back with a new post and finished pictures tomorrow! haha...maybe if i keep my blog open i will remember to post more than 3 or months apart...haha

any is my office...a mess, cluttered, i felt claustrophobic....something needed to be done.  I had started clearing off my desk and looked around..i was ready for something other than this day i am not sure why i picked purple in the first place..haha...i think it was a spiritual growth moment and wanted to pick something that reflected that!  Well now it is time for my office to reflect ME....Red is my favorite color..and i have loved turquoise with red the past couple of that was my choice.  So a week later it is done and being moved into as i type...well when i am done!

the corner was crowded and messy too..what i looked at every time i sat at my desk!

here is the finished painted room. The scallop border was hand painted with stencilled and hand painted designs on each

So there you have it...a quick version of my summer...every day around here is full and fun and filled with love and laughter...and i hope to not take so long next time....and not have to try to cram a million events in one post...and maybe share an insight or two..

thank you for visiting..and if you made it this far in this post...thank you for hanging in there with me...i hope i didn't bore you all to hand full of few!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

checking in...

One year i will get back to blogging! It just always seems that i am on a dead run and have way too many places to visit while i am on the internet...and of course Facebook has become a bit of an addiction!

so lets start with some of the more interesting photos! haha!  I have been working furiously on getting my back yard ready for Ashton and Shannon's wedding at the end of June!  I am making good progress but there is still so much to do!  In the meantime spring has blessed me with some gorgeous flowers...earlier than usual due to our very warm here are some photos as it is now...The pool is almost there..we are adding a few more trees...and at the moment one of the fence panels is off for a repair..that will all be fixed this week...and we are enclosing the pool pump finally! Yay!  The boys have been enjoying swimming in our newly heated has been wonderful!
 Clematis has become one of my new garden favorites! I am at the point that i can't add any more trees for height, so i have resorted to clematis and nice lattice frames to grow them on!  Forgive me..their names have not stuck in my head..I think this one is called Niobe
 This one is Snow Queen or something like that!....
a wonderful gift from my very talented doll artist friend Joey!  he sent me a surprise package with this darling boy in there!  He sculpts his dolls and then creates molds and pours his own resin to create his wonderful dolls!  This particular mold is very small..around 6 inches total!  Isn't he fun?  His name is Frederick!

 And spring is always a run of birthdays! Stephanie in did i end up with a 28 year old kid?...and then here the youngest..Jonathon has now hit the double digits..10 this May...Art's birthday was a few days ago and Tyrus is on the 7th and then mine on the 18th!

 some more garden pictures..One of the biggest projects i have worked on was creating my waterfall. I also had to completely tear apart and redo the stream this year...A huge project and i was panicking due to the deadline of the wedding..however, once i finished this i relaxed a lot! I still have a couple more days work out there..but this area id finished!

another one of my Clematis..i planted this one last year and it has gifted me with a ton of blooms this year!
 I aplogize for the random nature of my photos....this is how they i am going with it! :)
the stream and my new spitting turtle..i think he is soo fun!
 the lower pond and bridge..this is where Shannon and Ashton are getting married!
 a more over all veiw of the waterfall...the water is now clear I planted a few more things and is looking lovely!

the whole pond is just so wonderful to go over the bridge and sit in the seat at the back and watch the goings on in the entire back yard...a tiny little haven back there!
 So with spring also comes baseball!  Jonathon decided to try baseball this year rather than soccer. He LOVES it and has taken right to it and is doing amazingly well!  He is number 13, he picked that when he heard it was my lucky number! :) Turner is also juggling two baseball schedules and all of the games is getting quite interesting!  I will post a picture of Turner this week...they are both so darn cute!

 Sprocket recently joined the family..I am a sucker for anything i just couldn't resist! Here she is with her loyal dog companion Cotterpin..they are trying out her newest invention..her time travel wings...she is trying to get back home..i think she will be having many adventures before she manages that!
 and my little angel Isabella...she is making a wish for you...whisper in her ear your deepest wish and she will try to help make it come true!
 Isabella was a great help overseeing the pond construction..she was so excited about the Turtle...and wanted to hook him up right away...
 oh i keep forgetting...Last summer I decided to become licensed to teach Zumba..with my forever quest of trying to get this stubborn weight off...yeah i lost 40 last found me again...*sigh* one of the most frustrating things ever....i have tried so many things..i had to laugh at my "pole" post..that didn't stay up very long...there is no way i can lift all of this weight with my arms at this point..maybe one day it will go back up..but for now i am engrossed with Zumba..well I was until i got so busy with the garden projects. However, once the wedding has come and gone I am going to concentrate on Zumba the rest of the summer...So this spring to get me excited again with the Zumba quest i took two more trainings..Zumba Gold and also the newest Zumba Sentao!  I flew down to Miami for Sentao and had a blast by myself..well it would have been more fun with Art i am at the hotel..the concierge was lovely and she insisted on taking a photo....i went to a wonderful Peruvian restaurant by myself and was in bed by 8:30...haha!
 I did however have a tiny little Olivia came she is ready for an early bedtime...we slept so good...Marriott always has the most comfortable beds...
 and she reminds us all...only brush the teeth you want to keep! :)
So there you go..a tiny picture of what i have been up has been so busy and full the last few months i would have to write a book to catch everything up!  So here is my attempt at being a blogger again..haha! let's see how soon i will be back!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

wow!!! super duper long time!

Micah at 5 months..loves his books already!
Little Man eating!
and the dolls..playing in the snow! This year we didn't get any snow until a few days ago! At least the dolls have their snow!!
Santa back at the North Pole feeding the reindeer after a long night of deliveries!
The boys on Christmas! We had such a small crowd this year without the girls and Ashton and Shannon came over later in the day with Micah!

Well rather than trying to recount what has happened in the last 10 months i suppose it can just start new. Again i am on the weight loss trek....i had successfully lost almost 40 pounds last year..and unfortunately 30 of it found me here i am back to square 2.....This year i am taking a bit of a different approach and am working on healing my self image...they say that extra weight represents protecting yourself. So i think it would be wise and beneficial to dig a bit deeper and find any of the root causes..besides the fact that i am getting a bit older and menopause is coming some time in the near my hormones are probably all f-ed up and wacked out on top of that!..haha!

So here it is the 15th day of the New Year...i basically have been resting the last two weeks and getting my land legs back for the boys and the busy school days. The newest things i have been interested in is Pinterest, which recently has sparked an interest in nail soon as i find a bit of time that involves enough free time to let nail polish dry i plan on playing and trying some stuff out...i have gathered enough supplies now to begin...I for sure will share on here when i do!

I have now put on a new background....obviously the other one had been here a year or so...geesh what hopefully i will remember to come post!

Oh the most exciting thing going on right now is that i joined the Brave Girls Club and am participating in the Body Restoration..that is actually why i am on here to begin with..printing out this last weeks assignment and i can make the art assignment i need to catch up~!

i haven't done much art lately, and have not taken many pictures the last few weeks..but i guess i could share some from Christmas...oooh and of my new Grandson new little love!

so for now i won't talk and bore you any more and promise to come back with some more pictures next time...those are much more fun that talk..haha!
love and hugs!!