Thursday, July 2, 2009

Raven does *Thriller* for WAW

I am a mamber of a group pn flickr called Wear it Again Wednesday for our Blythe dolls(yes the ones with the big heads) and This weeks theme was a tribute to Michael is my newest custom Raven doing his renditioon of thriller!


jackie said...


Joanne Huffman said...

I really like the smoke effect.

self furnishing fabrics said...

LOL! It’s so cute! I love it.

diving Boracay said...

At a first glimpse, I thought the doll was “violet” from the Disney movie “The Incredibles” and I thought the smoke effects were her “force shield” powers. But then I read the article, so I was mistaken. LOL!

Web Design, said...

What a great group. Can I join too? LOL!!!